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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I bring the jewelry I bought at the mall?

Jewelry purchased at the mall is often made out of lower-quality metal, is the wrong size, or is inappropriate for initial piercings. We do not use it since we cannot predict who may react unfavorably to this material. Also, We use jewelry at various lengths selected specifically for you, made of material proven safe for the body. We sterilize several sizes if needed, and the piercer will custom-fit it to your anatomy in the room while you get pierced. We do not pierce with ear-piercing guns or use regular stud earrings.

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Can I be pierced with my own jewelry?

If your jewelry is from Halo or someplace with the same quality that Halo does, it's in good condition and appropriate for an initial piercing; we can probably use it.  However, we must first check the jewelry to see if it will work.  We do not pierce with ear-piercing guns or use regular stud earrings.  back to top

What metals to you pierce with?

We pierce with

  • ASTM F-138 certified implant grade stainless steel

  • ASTM F-136 certified implant grade titanium

  • Solid 14kt and 18kt Gold (White, Yellow, or Rose) and Platinum. All of the jewelry we pierce with is handmade with a mirror finish. All our threaded jewelry is internally threaded, hurting less to get pierced. All gemstones have bezel settings that are crimped over the gemstone's edges, producing a secure fit – no glues used!

  • Rings (start at $19) take longer to heal due to movement than barbells (start at $31).

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How long will it take, or what is the wait time to get pierced?

Time can vary significantly if you don’t book an appointment online.  While we allot a standard amount of time per piercing/install, once the piercer takes the client into the room, that time may change if they are nervous.  However, the piercing usually takes less than a few seconds. Appointments made online take priority. Calling ahead does not hold a spot for you; you must book online to be helped in a timely manner. If you don’t have an appointment, you may wait up to an hour or two before we can help you. If we are not booked full, we can take walk-ins up to one hour before closing. Also, the time it takes for you to choose your jewelry will extend your wait since we cannot sterilize your jewelry until you pick it. Please be patient when we're busy; we get to everyone as soon as possible.   back to top


Healing times?

Healing times vary for all piercings; we give an aftercare sheet that you can keep with care suggestions and average healing times. The piercer will also discuss your healing in the room when they go over care.

Your jewelry will be purposely longer or bigger in diameter to allow for any possible swelling. Due to this, once the swelling has gone down, you may need to purchase a smaller post or ring if it bothers you (you can reuse the original bead you choose, however). Nevertheless, if you feel you need to switch sooner, our piercer will be happy to check (book an assessment under other services) to see if you are ready.

This is not the case if you just did an upgrade or fitting booking; the only time you may need a smaller piece is if we need to stretch the hole open and use a bigger piece of jewelry to allow for swelling. back to top

Do you do special orders?

Yes, we do special orders. You want to plan if you're thinking of ordering something; Manufacturers make items to order, making the average turnaround time ten to twenty-one weeks. If you are from out of town, please get in touch with us on our Instagram page with what you need, and we will try our best to get it for you.  back to top

Does it hurt?

No/Yes/Maybe - Pain is different for everyone, so you may feel some pain, or you may not. The average response we get from people after they've been pierced is, "Is that it?" Ensuring you're well-rested and had a good meal before getting pierced will help you better manage any discomfort you may feel.
Please DO NOT numb your tissue. This will distort your skin and may make your piercing crooked once the numbing dissipates.

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Why do I have to eat before getting pierced?

Eating a healthy meal within four hours before getting pierced will improve your piercing experience. It reduces the chance of feeling faint or passing out and helps your body better manage any discomfort you may feel when getting pierced. We cannot pierce you if you have not eaten in time. You will have to leave and return once you have food.  24 hours before you get pierced, please avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, niacin, caffeine, omega-3 supplements, and green smoothies, as they may cause excessive bleeding. back to top

Can you numb the area before I get pierced?

Unfortunately, we cannot do so since it is unsafe.    back to top

Can I hide my piercing?

Septum piercing can be hidden immediately upon being pierced. Once fully healed, most other piercings can be easily hidden with clear retainers that we carry at the studio for purchase.   back to top

Will you pierce my baby?

The youngest we pierce here is 4 years (lobes only).  We believe that the person getting pierced should be able to express the want of that piercing, be able to read and complete their paperwork, and understand and perform the proper aftercare to ensure good healing of that piercing. Please read our requirements for minor piercings under the “What you need to be pierced” page, 3 bars in the top left corner of this site.  back to top

Are small children allowed in the studio?

Sorry, but no one under the age of 4 years is allowed unless they are getting pierced. Don't get us wrong; we love children! And we do apologize; we must stand firm in our decision. We feel that the studio is not the best environment for children. Also, we're piercing people here. Can you imagine the crash of glass from an unforeseen accident or the cry/yell of a child while you're getting pierced? We certainly don't want you or the piercer getting startled during your procedure and jumping or flinching, causing a piercing to go wrong. We hope you can understand; we're looking out for the safety of everyone involved.   back to top

Is it okay to swim while healing a piercing? 

Our main goal is for your new piercing to heal well.  Swimming or bathing in any body of water is going to expose your newly pierced tissue to all kinds of bacteria, some potentially harmful.  The best way to stay safe?...avoid swimming until you're well healed.

No Swimming Average Waiting Times Once Pierced:

Please be aware; that if you get a piercing, you will need to follow these no swimming timelines:

Brow: No swimming or head above water for a minimum of 4-8weeks.

Cartilage or High Lobe: No swimming or head above water for a minimum of 6-12 months.

Ear Lobe(s): No swimming or head above water for a minimum of 6-8 weeks.

Ear lobe(s) newly stretched: No swimming or head above water minimum of 3-8 weeks.

Genital: No swimming for a minimum of 4-8 weeks (Aparyavia and Ampallang up to one year).

Navel: No swimming for a minimum of 4-6 months.

Nipple(s): No swimming for a minimum of 2-6 months.

Nostril: No swimming or head above water for a minimum of 4-12 months.

Oral (not tongue): No swimming or head above water for a minimum of 6-12 weeks.

Septum: No swimming or head above water for a minimum of 4-8 weeks.

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Will the Daith piercing cure my migraines?

While there isn't any medical proof that it works, we have received positive feedback from migraine sufferers. We can't guarantee it will work for you, but we would be happy to pierce you if you would like to try.   back to top

Can I pierce both sides of my cartilage at the same time?

You can only if you're a dedicated back sleeper. Sleeping on any healing cartilage piercing can significantly increase the healing period, cause the piercing to change angles or migrate, or cause the piercing to fail altogether. Piercing and healing one side at a time works best for most people. back to top

Can I get my nostril pierced with a ring? I want it to be nicely fitted.

We will be happy to pierce your nostril with a ring. However, it must have extra room to allow for swelling, and we do want you to know that healing with a ring can be more difficult for some people. If the ring gives you problems, it will be best to change to a nostril screw or a barbell until you completely heal. That super cute, tiny ring will have to wait about four (4) months or longer for you to heal. back to top

Can I get my (nose, septum, or helix) pierced with a seamless ring?

At Halo, we won't pierce anything with a seamless ring.  More than once, we've seen that seamless ring rotate the seam into the piercing, either causing discomfort or allowing the tissue to heal in the seam, thus requiring a re-pierce for that person.   back to top

Can my friend take photos or videos while I'm getting pierced?

Sure, you can, but only before and after, not during, please. Phones must remain in your pocket or bag while in the piercing room. Out of respect for our piercers and staff's privacy, we do not allow video recordings or photos of a piercing. We have a "red carpet"(Wings painted by Timothy Chapman) area in the waiting area where you can take as many photos of yourself as you wish (if we are not too busy, we will do it for you). Just remember to tag us #halopiercing or/and @halopiercing

Please understand this is a private business; we want you to respect your piercer’s comfort zone. You want the best piercing you can get, so let the piercer work in a way that they are comfortable. Listen to their requests during your service. The piercer will appreciate the consideration, which will be reflected in their work.  back to top

Why do you make such a big deal about me touching my piercing/jewelry?

**Jewelry in Your Body** This is an important topic. Many people come in to get pierced, find new jewelry for healed piercings, or have their piercings checked for issues. It’s natural to want to touch your piercing when talking about it. However, whether your piercing is new, healed, or has problems, we want to prevent any harm from foreign bacteria. This is not about cleanliness; it’s simply that someone else's bacteria can react poorly with your body and affect your piercing. We encourage everyone to follow this practice, especially in our studio, where piercings are the focus. We aim to reduce the transfer of bacteria between people.

**Jewelry on Display** Please don’t touch the jewelry you plan to buy in the studio. This helps prevent jewelry from being dropped. We have had small pieces get lost forever, and larger gauge pieces get broken too often, so our policy is to prevent this. Keep the jewelry at the counter, and we can place it in a secure container for you. If you want to see how it looks, ask us to hold it up for you in front of a hand mirror. back to top

Can I get pierced with that dangly piece?

We love chains, charms, and dangly pieces. Alas, we cannot pierce with them. That dangle will put too much extra weight on the jewelry, and your navel piercing may not heal, you may have problems, or it may migrate (reject) right out of your body.   back to top

Do we get a discount since there are three of us here?

For health and safety reasons, we require a fresh setup with new sterilized needles and tools for each person getting pierced; with this inherent built-in cost-per-person, unfortunately, there is no opportunity for group discounts.  Buddy piercings tend to take more time than one person since everyone wants to be together and values their friend's input, causing longer time choosing jewelry. You wouldn’t go to the grocery store or a restaurant and try to convince a clerk or a waiter to lower the price. We already offer the best price with high quality and affordability in mind. 

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Do you do Friday the 13th specials?

While it may be one of our favorite days, we do not. Lucky for you, every day is a special day at Halo, so you will have a great time regardless of the day you visit us.!   We are here when you are ready to change your jewelry or need help. back to top

Can I bring a drink into the studio?

We realize this is Arizona and have no problem with water bottles with a screw-on lid. And we’d rather help you with jewelry and piercings than have to mop the floor and/or rescue fine jewelry from drowning. To do this, we ask that you do not bring drinks into the studio that are not drop-proof   back to top


Which way is best to get to Medlock Plaza's parking lot?

The best way to get into our complex is just off Central and Camelback. You may enter the alley just West of Dairy Queen, which is on Pasadena (North of Camelback on Central), or turn where the old Dutch Brothers used to be. Look for the mural by Timothy Chapman on our walls. Parking is North of our complex by the butterfly mural. If we are having an event with frances or Stinkweeds in our parking lot, it is best to park at the park and ride on Central or at AJ’s Uptown Plaza lot.

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Can I get pierced while pregnant or nursing?

It is not advisable to get any body modification during pregnancy; this includes tattoos, piercings, and even stretches.  Your body is busy making a baby, and healing body mods is not a priority. Piercings take longer to heal or will not heal at all since the piercing is not you bodies first priority. We will be happy to pierce you three months after you’ve given birth.  If you want to have your nipples pierced, please see us three months after you’ve stopped producing breast milk. back to top

Should I twist or rotate the jewelry during the healing period? 

Please do not.  This is the equivalent of picking a scab and will make your piercing take longer to heal.  back to top

Why must I have a bead on my ring for my brand-new piercing? 

The bead fills the gap so your piercing cannot close up while healing.  If a ring can be used in your piercing, they are the least expensive option but can take longer to heal due to movement. back to top

Can I sleep on my brand-new/unhealed piercing? 

Sure, you can if you DON'T want it to heal.  Our aftercare sheets give a time guideline on how long each piercing generally takes to heal; this is how long you should avoid sleeping on it.  back to top

Do you take appointments or walk-ins?  

We are by appointment. We can sometimes accommodate walk-ins (between 11 am and 5 pm). However, appointments will always take priority, and you may have to wait a couple of hours (especially on Monday, Friday, and Saturday) if you do not have an appointment.

Calling ahead to say you are on your way (without an appointment) will not get you before actual appointments that have been booked online.

On Sundays, we only take walk-ins if we are open that day.  Please check our hours page to see if we are open on the Sunday you want to stop in. back to top

I am going on a trip. Is it a good idea to get pierced? 

It is better to wait.  Enjoy your trip, and don’t worry about healing a new piercing.  See us after you return; we’ll be here!   back to top

Can I stretch my piercing with natural jewelry or silicone?

We do not suggest stretching with anything other than implant-grade stainless, titanium, niobium, solid gold, or glass.  It is also best to wait at least a month between stretches and at least six months after most new piercings.   back to top

Do you tattoo?

We do not, but here is a list of some of our favorite studios.

Ascension Tattoo - Sedona

Golden Rule - Phoenix

Gorgon Tattoo - Gilbert

Gypsy Rose Tattoo - Phoenix

Immaculate Tattoo - Mesa

Lady Luck - Phoenix

Painted Ladies - Phoenix (for Permanent Makeup)

We do offer Forever Bracelets, however.

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I saw a picture online of an ear with multiple cartilage piercings.  Can I get that?

If you have the anatomy for it, we can pierce you.  Some may not be able to be done all in one visit, but we can help you curate a plan that will work for you.  Also, remember that some of the most popular piercing photos you see online are photo-shopped and unrealistic.  We are happy to help you determine what will work for your unique anatomy. #curatedpiercing   back to top

Will it leave a scar?

All piercings leave a scar or irreversible changes to the body, including discoloration, a mark such as a scar, bump, dimple, or a permanent hole. Proper healing depends on how your body scars and how well you care for your piercing.   back to top

What do you charge to change or install jewelry? 

The fee starts at $10 (plus the cost of new jewelry) and will increase depending on how many pieces you need to be installed or changed. If you have already purchased jewelry from us you have the option (in most cases) to purchase only the post and use your current bead to save money.

There is an added $5 processing fee for each piece of jewelry you bring if you want us to use it. Also, the piercer must approve your jewelry first. The piercer will ensure it’s free of scratches and defects and will work for your anatomy.   back to top

Privacy Policy

We DO NOT release or sell any of our customers' information to any other third-party solicitors. We may sometimes contact you by email when we have promotions or new information about the studio or jewelry.   

When ordering or registering on our site, as appropriate, you may be asked to enter your name, email address, mailing address, phone number, credit card information, or other details to help you with your experience.

Return Policy - In-Store

Halo is not responsible for refunding or exchanging jewelry the customer erroneously purchased (i.e., the wrong size). We offer a small installation fee on non-organic materials to avoid this issue. Be sure you know your exact size when purchasing jewelry from us if you do not have us put it in. If you are unsure what size you are at, we will gladly check your size for a small fee. This fee will be credited towards any jewelry purchase that day. If you are coming in to buy jewelry for someone else and do not know their size, we strongly recommend a gift card instead.

Plugs and double flared eyelets measure 1mm to 2mm larger than the saddle to keep the jewelry from slipping out of the ear. Halo is not responsible for refunding or exchanging any jewelry the customer bought without considering the flare's size. Halo measures jewelry according to gauge or inches, not mm.

The natural/organic manufacturers that we carry guarantee all products they manufacture to be free from defects of workmanship within the first two weeks of purchase; this includes chips, broken pieces, warping, inlays detaching, jewelry with a visible break, and glue lines (aka glue job). The decision as to whether or not jewelry is considered defective will ultimately, though reasonably, be at the manufacturer's discretion. Please have your receipt if you wish to have your jewelry repaired by the manufacturer.

Gold jewelry can be repaired (most of the time) for a fee. Bring your jewelry in a baggie to have it mailed to the proper jeweler to give us a quote. We can only repair jewelry purchased at Halo (keep your receipt), and note that not all jewelry can be fixed.

Return Policy - Online Sales

Return Policy: We will accommodate a Return or Exchange within three days of receipt of the jewelry package due to the defective IE. A stone fell out, an Inlay Issue, or anything outside normal wear and tear. We will allow for an exchange or product repair. Contact us immediately if the box is damaged so we can make an insurance claim. Jewelry that you have incorrectly chosen cannot be exchanged or returned. Please double-check that your invoice is correct before you pay. Please note orders do not ship on Sunday or Monday.

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What form of payment do you take?

We accept cash, tap & pay, debit, and credit cards. No American Express, Apple Card, or checks.